Terms and Conditions


2.1 “Illegal Activities” means any activity designated anywhere in the world as illegal or criminal which, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall be deemed to include activities relating to terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, receiving the proceeds of criminal activities or trading with countries which may from time to time be subject to any embargo imposed by the Security Council of the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom or any successor or similar international organisation.

2.2 “Prohibited Persons” means persons who are:

2.2.1 prohibited under the laws of any country for whatsoever reason or who may otherwise be legally incapable or disqualified from being party to a contract.

2.2.2 undischarged bankrupts or are otherwise disqualified from acting as a director or company officer or who have been imprisoned or found guilty of any criminal offence (other than a motoring offence carrying a non-custodial sentence).

2.2.3 or who have been proven to act in a fraudulent or dishonest manner in any civil proceedings.

2.2.4 resident in a country which is subject to any international restriction or embargo including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, those imposed by the Security Council of the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom or any successor or similar organisation.

2.2.5 government officials or politicians.

2.3 “Prohibited Activities” means activities not approved or accepted by TCS and which, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, include activities relating to:

2.3.1 arms, weapons or munitions;

2.3.2 mercenary or contract soldiering;

2.3.3 security and riot control equipment such as stun guns, electronic restraining devices, CS gas or other similar materials, pepper sprays or any other device that could lead to the abuse of human rights or be utilised for torture or which may otherwise be used in an offensive manner;

2.3.4 technical surveillance or bugging equipment and industrial espionage;

2.3.5 dangerous or hazardous biological, chemical or nuclear materials including equipment or machinery to manufacture or handle such materials and the transportation, handling, disposal or dumping of such materials;

2.3.6 human or animal organs, including blood and plasma;

2.3.7 the abuse of animals, vivisection or the use for any scientific or product testing purpose of animals;

2.3.8 genetic material;

2.3.9 adoption agencies, including surrogate motherhood;

2.3.10 the abuse of refugees or human rights;

2.3.11 pornography;

2.3.12 drug paraphernalia;

2.3.13 the provision of degrees or qualifications;

2.3.14 the provision of credit cards;

2.3.15 pyramid sales;

2.3.16 religions, religious cults and charities;

2.3.17 the offer or provision of legal or tax advice otherwise than by persons who are professionally qualified and, where appropriate, licensed so to do;

2.3.18 the provision of trustees or services relating to the administration or management of trusts, companies or the undertaking of any service or business that might compete with GenZ;

2.3.19 trading or other activities relating to futures or other derivatives or financial instruments that create an open or unlimited exposure;

2.3.20 any activity which may damage the reputation of GenZ or the country of establishment or incorporation of the Entity.

2.4 “Pre- Approval Required Activities” means:

2.4.1 Financial business involving: soliciting funds from the public, offering investment advice to the public, insurance business, the operation and administration of collective investment schemes or the management of investments other than where the assets so managed comprise the property of the Entity.

2.4.2 Any activity relating to the provision of financial services or any other business activity which requires a licence in any jurisdiction.

2.4.3 Time share and holiday clubs.

2.4.4 Advertising an Entity or any address belonging to GenZ by any means (including the Internet).

2.4.5 Accepting payment over the Internet for products or services

2.4.6 Trading in high-risk products or services, or products or services which may be associated with fraud such as alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, fine art, the provision of telephone and mobile telephony services (including call back numbers and trading in mobile telephones or SIM cards) and computer chips.

2.4.7 Utilising merchant numbers for processing credit card orders.

2.4.8. Gambling or lotteries.

2.4.9 Mail or telephone order schemes.

2.5 If any Clients or the Clients’ Appointees are or become Prohibited Persons, or engage in any Illegal Activities or the Entity engages in any Illegal Activities or Prohibited Activities or undertake any Pre-Approval Required Activities without first obtaining GenZ’s prior written consent, GenZ may at its discretion immediately terminate the Services or take any of the actions referred to in Paragraph 8.4 hereof.